4 Indisputable Facts
The original language is Abariy… called by most "Paleo-Hebrew."
(Ancient Hebrew)
YAHUAH's Name in Abariy ("Paleo-Hebrew") looks like this image.
For the sake of this study we will use “Modern Hebrew” letters which most scholars are familiar with.
Here we present 4 Indisputable Facts that prove what the Name of the Creator is (YAHUAH):
Lord vs. LORD
Throughout most current Scriptures we see the word "Lord" spelled sometimes with a capital "L" and then lower case "ord" to equal "Lord." Then sometimes we see the word "Lord" spelled in all capital letters to look like "LORD." The “PREFACE” in most "bibles" say that the reason for the capital "LORD" is for the sake of tradition.
The reality of this is that they've chosen to cover over “The Name” of the one and only Creator, YAHUAH. His Name in Modern Hebrew is spelled yud, hay, uau, hay and looks like the image above. (YAHUAH is the English spelling of the Creator’s Name, so that it is pronounced correctly.)
In Hebrew the word “Lord” is spelled alaf, dalat, nun, yud and looks like this image.
This equals the word Adaniy (where we get the word Adonai from). This word means “master.” So, at best the word “Lord” means “master.”
Then look at how most modern “bible” translators spell the word "LORD" in Hebrew.
They spell it like this yud, hay, uau, hay and it looks like this.
Now we've already shown that yud, hay, uau, hay looks like the first image above. A 3rd Grader could quickly see that the way they spell Adaniy (sn-Adonai) and the way they spell LORD are different words. They can't both be "Lord," because both "Lord" and "LORD" have the exact same "english" letters. So, one of these spellings has to be an imposter (Fact #2 below makes this absolutely evident). But before we move to Fact #2, let's look at the warning of YAHUAH the Creator not to change, add to, or take away from His Word. Obviously, we can already see in Fact #1 that some type of change has taken place.
It says in Mashliy (sn-Prov) 30:5, 6: 5 Every word of Aluah is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. 6 Do not add to His words, lest He rebuke you, and you be found to be a liar.
This is very clear. No one is to add to YAHUAH's Word or they will be found to be a liar. Hazun (sn-Rev) 21:8 says "liars" will have their place in the lake of fire.
Also, in Hazun (sn-Rev) 22:18, 19 it says: 18 For I witness to everyone hearing the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to them, Aluah shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book, 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, Aluah shall take away his part from the Book of Life, and out of the set-apart city, which are written in this Book.
This is another clear warning not to change His Word. Some will say that the warning from Hazun (sn-Revelation) was only for that book. If this is true, then there are still many places in the Scriptures where His Name has been changed (covered over and added to). Every time you see the word "LORD" in Scripture, that is a place where YAHUAH's Name has been changed. His Word says whoever does this, as well as anyone who follows this teaching, will not see the Kingdom of YAHUAH.
Virtually every person or scholar that has ever read any Scriptures knows the phrase "Tribe of Judah."
Judah in Abariy (sn-Hebrew) equals yud, hay, uau, dalat, hay which spells out in english as YAHUDAH (the real name of Judah). We know this to be true, because the letter "J" is less than 500 years old. As a matter of fact around 1,200 Languages know the word YAHUDAH. Let's look at YAHUDAH in the Hebrew characters:
In Modern Hebrew the Creator's Name, YAHUAH, is spelled like this yud, hay, uau, hay and looks like this (image to the left):
The only difference between the word YAHUDAH and the word YAHUAH is the “dalat” (letter "D") which looks like this “ד” in Abariy (sn-Hebrew). Just look at it.
It's the 4th Letter (Hebrew reads from right to left). Again it looks like this “ד” in Abariy (sn-Hebrew). The problem with the “scholars” and their translation is that they call the word (name) YAHUAH the word (name) LORD. This is a blatant cover up of the Creator’s Name. It’s treating His name as meaningless, useless, and of no effect (vain). This is incredible facts that cannot be disputed.
The Word AHLALUYAH (sn- Hallelujah)
Here it is spelled in Abariy (sn-Hebrew):
7,000 Languages pronounce this word virtually the same! Linguists will tell you that having this many languages pronounce one word the same is the equivalent of "raising someone from the dead!"
Our Creator left us "Indisputable Evidence" of what His Name is. Most have always been taught that Ahlaluyah (sn- Hallelujah) means "Praise the LORD," but this is a lie straight from Shatan (Satan). The first part of the word "Ahlalu" means "Praise Be To." The second part is easy-- "Yah." Praise Be To who? The Word says "Praise Be To Yah!" YAH of course is short for YAHUAH. But as we learned from above, twisted translators have corrupted YAHUAH'S Name by covering it with the word LORD. This is an outright shame, but our Creator left us with enough clues to cut through the deception. The amazing part is if you remove the two "Lamads" that look like this in Abariy (sn- Hebrew) “ל ל” and transpose it you get YAHUAH's Name!
It's simple just go backwards with the word הללויה and remove the two "Lameds" (ל ל), and you'll get His Name! Remember Abariy (sn- Hebrew) reads from right to left, so when we transpose it and go from left to right (as it does in English) we get. Y (י) + AH (ה) + U (ו) + AH (ה) = YAHUAH. This is absolutely AMAZING!
Ma’ashiym (sn- Acts) 10:43 Slams The Door On This Issue!
Ma’ashiym (sn- Acts) 10:43 reads: "To Him all the prophets witness that, through His Name, whoever believes in Him will receive forgiveness of sins."
This tells us to look to the prophets first to see what their witness is. It also tells us that it's "through His Name" that we receive forgiveness of sins. We better have His Name right if this Scripture is true, and we believe the Scriptures are true.
The first part of this verse gives us another "Indisputable Fact" that the Father’s Name is YAHUAH. It says that all the prophets witness that, through His Name, whoever believes will receive forgiveness of sins. Well, there's nearly 177 prophets and/or patriarchs and nearly every one of their correct Abriy (sn- Hebrew) names have a part of YAHUAH's Name in their name! The "translators/scholars" also changed every one of the names of the prophets in nearly all current English Translations. Once you know the truth about YAHUAH's Name, you then know why they had to continue their corruption by changing the prophets names also! Be sure to check out the "Correct Names" link for proof, but below is some of the prophets names to prove the point. The interesting fact is that when KapA (sn- Peter) came out of the upper room, his words to the people (Ma’ashiym sn-Acts 2:21) were a direct word for word quote from the prophet YUal (sn- Joel) 2:32 which states:
YUal (sn- Joel) 2:32: "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the Name of YAHUAH shall be saved."
Isn't it amazing that the first prophet quoted by KapA (sn-Peter) was YUal (sn- Joel). YUal means “YAHUAH is Aluah” (sn- God). By the way, KapA means "The Rock is YAHUAH!"
Now let's look at some of the other prophets real names to provide more Indisputable Facts:
Joshua's real name is YAHUsha which means "YAHUAH is Salvation."
Isaiah's real name is YishaYAHU which means "Salvation is YAHUAH."
Jeremiah's real name is YirmiYAHU which means "The Restoration/Resurrection is YAHUAH."
Zechariah's real name is ZakariYAHU which means "The Rememberer is YAHUAH."
Nehemiah's real name is NahamYAHU which means "Consoled by YAHUAH."
Malachi's real name is MalakiYAHU which means "Messenger of YAHUAH."
Jonah's real name is YunAH which means "Warmth is provided by YAHUAH."
Obadiah's real name is AbadiYAHU which means "Servant of YAHUAH."
Samuel's real name is ShamUal which means "Listen to YAHUAH your Aluah."
Jacob's real name is YA’aqab which means "YAHUAH Succeeds."
The list goes on and on! Just check out the “Correct Names” link, and we've got 120+ names of Prophets/Patriarchs listed that give "Indisputable Facts" of who the true Creator is. There names “WITNESS” to who YAHUAH is. This is no joke, and is not to be taken lightly. YAHUAH wants you to "Call Upon His Name and His Name Only" for Salvation. Yishayahu (sn- Isa) 42:8 says His Name is YAHUAH, and He will not give esteem to any other Name, so we should take very serious having His name right.
We presented what we truly believe to be "4 Indisputable Facts" to prove the truth about the Name of the Creator. We hope this helps you in your search for the truth. We encourage you to act upon it and be saved by the One and Only One that can save you… YAHUAH!
For clear direction on receiving Eternal Life be sure to read the