Original Scriptures
When it comes to Scripture, it’s best to start from the earliest available and work forward, not the other way around. Any current translations of the Scriptures must be congruent with the Original or Earliest Texts.
On this page, we've included some of the many texts we have access to. We will continue to add more and more. We will also show you when the corruption started, and examples of corrupted texts side by side with the Original and/or Early Texts. It's time for the deception to stop.
Here are some snapshots of the Codex Leningrad which is the oldest complete Ibrim (sn- Hebrew) text in the world!
Codex Leningrad (Front Cover)
If you look closely, there is a yellow arrow pointing to the start of the 10 Commandments in Shamah 20:2 (sn- Exodus). This verse opens up with statement from our Creator that says "I am YAHUAH...." This makes no mistake about who He is and what His Name is. To cover His Name over is a complete abomination. We're sharing the Truth.
Inside page of Codex Leningrad
Old Hebrew Painting (arrow to YAHUAH's Name)
The Codex Sinaiticus is the oldest "Complete Greek Brit Chadasha Text" (sn- New Testament) that's been highly guarded. We feel the reason it's been so guarded is because you can see part of YAHUAH and YAHUsha's names in the Text- "Yahu." Instead of the name "Iesus," now known as "Jesus," you'll find the name "Yahu Cru" (means Yahuah the King/Savior) in every place that talks about the Savior.
We've included a few of the Codex Sinaitcus pages here that contain some of the writings of Mattithyahu. We will add more as time permits.
1st Pg Codex Sinaiticus Mattithyahu (sn- Matthew)
2nd Pg Codex Sinaiticus Mattithyahu (sn- Matthew)
3rd Pg Codex Sinaiticus Mattithyahu (sn- Matthew)
Below are Letters from the Apostle Shaul (sn- Paul) dated between 180-200 C.E. (sn- A.D.). These are the earliest writings available of the Apostle Shaul (sn- Paul). This piece is from Romans 11: 13-22 and Colossians 1: 5-12.
The Letters of Shaul (sn- Paul)- Chester Beaty Museum
P75- Letters from Lukah (Luke) & Yahuchanun (John)
These are some of the earliest available Letters that contain parts of Lukah (sn- Luke) and Yahuchanon (sn- John). The handwriting is a clear uncial writing, which when compared to other papyri, dates the manuscript to sometime between 175 and 225 C.E. The "P" in P75 means "Papyrus." Papyrus is a plant that many of the early writings were written on.
Codex Vaticanus- Yahuchanun (Jn) 7:40--8:19
Knowledge continues to increase. We now have knowledge of even more original or earlier text that we will be posting soon.