“The DARE”

What is “The DARE”?
-A challenge to “Christians” and religious followers of all denominations to think carefully about what some human traditions may look like in the Eyes of our Creator. In the world-to-come, when we are resurrected and clothed with immortality, there will be TWO "denominations." Which denomination is of the only Savior?
Please consider taking a DARE. This is a challenge for you to think outside of "the box" of your denomination. You'll thank us later.
Which "denomination" is the right one? In the world-to-come, there will only be "two" denominations.
Read this article, and you'll find out what they are.
A basic struggle we all have is getting at the Truth and seeing things from our Creator's point-of-view. We all have beliefs, but what we really need is the Truth; The True facts. We have to stop limiting things to human's point-of-view alone.
At Dabariym (sn-Deut.) 12:30-32, we are commanded to not learn the "ways" of the Pagans (to not learn or adopt formats or traditions which Pagans used to serve their idols), nor worship the only Creator in their way. That eliminates the excuse that is most popular: that because we aren't thinking about worshipping the Creator our own way, even though the ways are rooted in Pagan customs, then the Pagan activity is "cleansed" of all its pagan origins and intentions. If intentions are what makes things OK, then the Creator would have told us this in His Word- the Scriptures. The golden calf was made with the intention of worshipping the CREATOR, and we see that the whole nation of Yishral (sn- Israel) was almost destroyed. "Pagan" is the same thing as "Satanic." Sorcery, astrology, or magic (black or white) are all the "works of the devil." Worshipping the Creator in a way He did not develop is very dangerous.
Most are aware that "Halloween" was and is a Pagan observance, and maybe have begun withdrawing your family's involvement in it -- and you've probably felt the heat from family and friends over it too once you do withdraw from this practice. Well, you need to look carefully into the origins of the holidays we've inherited called "Christmas" and "Easter" as well. Relax, because the Truth and your belief in our Mashiyha (Messiah) and His Word will stand firm; but you will discover that "Christmas" and "Easter" are no different than Halloween - formerly they were Pagan observances which became camouflaged and revised to appear as something different than they really are. Paganism, Witchcraft, and Satanism are all the same thing -- rebellion against THE CREATOR. You will hear all sorts of excuses for theses holidays, and the heat you may have felt over Halloween is nothing compared to what you will be feeling when you learn the true background of Christmas and Easter. The very religious Pilgrims that came to the continent of North America in the 15th century were fleeing severe persecution for their understandings of Scripture, and the first colonies established had laws on the books which outlawed the Pagan observance of Christmas -- because they all knew what it really was. This all became more relaxed as increasing numbers of Irish Catholics immigrated to the USA continent. The Colonials didn't like the Irish very much, because of their Catholicism -- the thing many of them had fled from — and it wasn't because they were Irish. The idea of "SUN-DAY" being the Sabbath, changed during the 4th century, is yet another area that generates a lot of heat.
If you need a Christmas tree, or a chocolate bunny rabbit & Easter eggs, or wish to change the day of rest which the Creator has established, and you don't know there's anything wrong with that, then you are without a knowledge of sin Yahuhanan (sn- Jn.) 15:22.
Abariym (sn- Heb) 10:26, 27 should be a strong warning for those "who sin when they know better" however. When you have been told, and investigate what Scripture says about these things, and don't repent, you are responsible and guilty of an even greater transgression. These pagan traditions are idolatry, because they originated in idolatry. The Roman Catholic Church used "missionary adaptation" on us, inculturating formerly Pagan elements in populations to "convert" the people using their familiar patterns of worship. In other words, the Pagan format remained intact, but the meaning of the terms, symbols, and traditions were altered, and Scripture had to be suppressed to pull it off.
In the Creator's eyes, these Pagan elements cannot be washed and changed into anything else. A pig, after it is cleaned up, is still a pig, even if you put lipstick on it and pretend it's changed. Converts who have been cleaned from their idolatry are like pigs example if their hearts are not converted. But, the Jesuits don't care about the Creator or the Savior; the "end" justifies the "means." Like pigs, they too will return to their mud hole, and like a dog, return to their vomit. The lure is just too much.
The context of Romans 14 is speaking about "special days," because the "Jewish" Religious Rulers of the time had human traditions concerning fasting twice each week. If someone didn't follow the pattern, they were regarded as less pious. Shaul (sn- Paul) was simply declaring that what we do or don't do is OK, fasting or not, but he is not condoning the adoption of previously pagan customs and traditions to honor the Creator with them. This is going far beyond the intention of what Shaul (sn- Paul) wrote. Shaul (sn- Paul) is commonly misunderstood to be sure. Kapa (sn- Peter) warned us not to misunderstand Paul's writings.
Often, it is said, "Christians do not have to observe any particular day." Most have been taught that SUN-DAY is the "Christian Sabbath," and even believing this, they will buy, sell, and/or work on this day, the 1st day of each week on the Roman Gregorian Calendar. They will agree, however, that their SUN-DAY is certainly not the Sabbath that the Savior observed.
How we currently live is a mixture of how we were molded and taught, and what we have chosen to accept or reject. Our walk (what we do) reveals who we really serve, even if we are deceived about who that is. The Yahudiym (sn- Hebrews) concept of how we live is called "ahlakah," (sn-halakah) from the word ahlak, referring to our ”walk." The "way" or "path" on which we do this "walking" is either the narrow path of light (as Turah sn- Torah directs us in its teachings/directions), or the broad road of darkness that follows no directions from the Turah. This road of darkness without Turah leads to destruction and death (the eternal kind).
The Turah is the way, our map, to direct us into "paths of righteousness" which the Creator guides us into "for His Name’s sake." This is what the Savior taught. All who call on His true Name (more on His true Name later) must depart from all unrighteousness, or it brings shame upon His Name. The Mashiyha (Messiah) is "the way," the living Turah (Word of THE CREATOR), and the light. His religion -- the way He lived on earth -- is the only way (1Yahuhanan sn- Jn 2:6); there's no other way to enter eternal life but through the gateway he taught. You cannot invent your own way, or path, and sneak in without accepting the love for the Truth, which is His Turah. He will give you this love for His Turah, but you have to want it, and ask Him for it through His true Name (YAHUAH the Mashiyha).
How do you currently live? Most of us are raised in a denomination or mold, called "a religion." These may be about the Mashiyha (Messiah), but are any of them the Messiah’s way or religion? Again, 1 Yahuhanan sn- Jn 2:6 says:
"The one who says he stays in Him ought himself also to walk, even as He walked."
Do we need to have a degree in Theology to understand what that sentence means? It’s simple. If we say we are in Him (Savior), then we are to walk and live as he did. How did he live? He followed and lived by the Turah (His Father’s Commandments). He taught others to do the same. Do you live by the Turah?
Further, 2 Yahuhanan (sn- Jn.) 1:6 tells us:
"And this is the love, that we walk according to His Commandments. This is the Commandments, that as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it."
Our obedience is the evidence of our faithfulness, and shows the Creator and Master that we are His servants, and we're not inventing our own methodology or following any humanly-designed process. The Commandments are not new, and neither can they be revoked; they define what a sin is (see 1 Yahuhanan sn- Jn. 3:4, Jas. 1:22-25). The New (or renewed) Covenant (sn- New Testament) is having these Commandments written upon our hearts and minds by Yahusha ha Mashiyha’s Spirit (Abariym sn-Heb. 8).
“Pay Close Attention: Even SATAN is a believer (Ya’aqab sn- James 2:19) . . . but this rebellious being will not serve and obey”
It’s how we walk (our ahlakah) that reveals the truth about whether our "religion" is His religion. Or our walk shows if we just talk about our belief in Him without true actions based on the way He walked. One path is the path of light, guided by the Turah, and the other is designed by traditions of men to win the approval of men — seminary-trained, but flawed in their walk, having exchanged the Commandments of the Creator for the traditions of men.
Unless your conscience is completely numbed by listening to the intoxicating excuses and deceiving teachings, you know that most have fulfilled the prophecy that there would be an "apostasy," or falling-away from the Turah (Torah), the true faith. It can only be determined by what is right, or righteous, as defined by the Turah — not the masquerading messengers of light who fill our heads with traditional lies that have no basis from Scripture.
Test everything, especially the excuses you are taught, and ask for the clear Scriptural foundation they base their teachings upon. If we are taught that we no longer have to obey the Commandments, there had better be clear Scriptural verses to show this to be true. A good place to start investigating would be to study the 4th Commandment, concerning the "Shabat," (sn-Sabbath) which commands us to rest on the 7th day of each week — in commemoration of Creation week. Has this Commandment been annulled by THE CREATOR, or has men done this? Can men alter any of the Commandments? They may claim they have the authority, but Scripturally this is simply not true. Catholics have claimed the authority to "bind and loose" is in the hands of men, however these words simply mean "forbid and permit," and the men (elders) who can do this are intended to be guided solely by a thorough knowledge of Turah (what the Creator has spoken in His Word). Men have departed from the Turah, and the "apostasy" prophesied in the Scripture is this falling away from Turah. "Nicolaitans" have invented their own way of serving, and it's been designed to make them rich - borrowing heavily from Pagan backgrounds (Revelations shows the current teaching of today’s "church" is an abomination and calls these folks Nicolaitans). Consequently, we see many things "forbidden and permitted" which are simply the whims of men, away from the counsel of Scripture. They tickle people's ears to make things feel warm and fuzzy for everyone.
The conscience which the Creator put within us is supposed to warn us when we do wrong, but if it is "seared," or short-circuited with false doctrine, it cannot do this. When we drink clean water (Truth) and poisoned water (false doctrine) together, it’s what Scripture calls "wormwood," and we are in a stupor. Most people stay "drunk" on this wormwood that flows from church pulpits each week. Words of men and women tickle their ears, and they are constantly made to feel at ease, but they remain in idolatrous sin.

Our "worship" is really obedience, the doing of what the Creator expects of us. If we neglect doing what He expects of us (obey), but assume our intentions will serve the same results, then we didn't understand the Fall in the garden in the beginning, the golden calf incident, nor why Qayin's (Cain's) offering was not pleasing to the Creator. "If you do well, shall you not be accepted?" (Barashiyt sn-Gen. 4:7). Qayin (Cain) made up his own mind how he was going to worship the Creator and what would be the offering. How is Christianity any different? All the Sun-Day assemblies, Christmas trees, and Easter baskets in the world will not be acceptable to the Creator, unless He decided to prescribe them as a form of worshipping Him (which He hasn’t). So, our simple task is to find out what the Creator expects, then "obey" what He wants, so that He will accept our worship of Him. Then, we can expect to hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" (Mt. 25:21). Doing "the Word" is obeying Him, not adding to it, or taking away from it, or adopting the Pagan cultural background as tradition has done.
Read Ma’ashiym (sn-Acts), and circle the word Shabat (sn-Sabbath) each time it is used.
What was Luqah (sn-Luke) mentioning the "Sabbath" for? Many say, "We aren't Jewish, so we don't have to obey the 4th Commandment." Well, why stop there? Why not say, "We aren't Jewish, so we don't have to worry about the 6th, 7th, and 8th Commandments" or any other of the Commandments either. ~ What?!
Here's where the rubber meets the road - What is the New (or re-newed) Covenant? If it is something different, please tell us:
The Briyt Hadash (sn- New Testament) which is not a “new” covenant, is really the Renewed Covenant (See Yirmayahu sn-Jer 31, Ibrim sn-Heb chapters 8 & 10): The Mashiyha (sn-Messiah), YAHUsha, writes His Turah sn-Torah (Teachings, Commandments) on our hearts. We receive a love for the Truth, His Word, which is the Covenant, or Ten Commandments. It's as simple as that. This process involves being convicted of sin (by learning the Commandments), repenting (stop sinning, turn back to the Commandments), and then being immersed into His Name (you must know His Name). This immersion is the outward sign of the "circumcision" of our heart, by the Spirit of the Mashiyha (Messiah), who lives in us from that point on. No human being can convince you or convict you of your sin (rebellion against THE CREATOR's Covenant, the Ten Commandments) -- but the one and only Mashiyha (Savior), YAHUsha, can change your heart, which is your only hope. The mind of the flesh cannot, and will not, obey. We love the Creator’s Ten Commandments. Would you like to love them too?
"We DARE You" – to say, "I want to love the Commandments too." The Savior’s Spirit is all around you, and He WILL grab you if you return to His Covenant. This is what happened to the prodigal son, the moment he took his first step out of the pig pen, to return to His Father's house (the Turah/Covenant). Take that step -- ask Him to write His Turah (Law/Commanments) on your heart. He has promised to do this if you will repent, believing and calling upon His Name. The Scriptures (non-corrupted versions) says for you to be Immersed into the Name of the Mashiyha sn-Messiah (Acts 2:38; 10:48). If you’d like to read a non-corrupted "English" translation of the Scriptures go to www.isr-messianic.org. We are also working on what we feel will be the most accurate English Translation of the Scriptures to date. Be sure to join our “Newsletter” to stay up to date.
By the way, do you know the real Name of the Creator and the real Name of the Savior as is written in the Original and Early Scriptures? Most have no clue what the most important Name in the universe is, even though Scripture says that SALVATION comes only through a particular NAME. Not just any name… Scripture says there’s only ONE NAME given through which we MUST be Saved by (see Ma’ashiym sn-Acts 4:12).
From this point you must decide whether or not you will live your life by the Scriptures. Mashliy (sn-Proverbs) 30:4 even challenges us to see if we know what the Creator’s Name is and what the name of His Son is. We can guarantee you what their Names are beyond a shadow of any doubt. Only those who love the truth get to have Eternal Life through this Name. The name of the Creator (Father) is YAHUAH, and the Son said in the Scripture that He came in His Father’s Name. The Son’s indisputable name is YAHUSHA. YAHU-SHA (YAHU is short for YAHUAH, and SHA means Salvation). The Savior’s Name means YAHUAH is SALVATION. You can get plenty of documentation on this fact from our website as well as many others around the world. Be sure to check out our link “4 Indisputable Facts.”
IMPORTANT NOTE: "Jesus" is not our Saviors's Name (there’s only one Name, Acts 4:12, and it’s not based on Greek or Latin, which is where the name Jesus comes from). The idea that the Savior’s Name is "Jesus" was put into peoples’ heads by Jesuits (Roman Catholics). It is a lie, and not of the Truth. We’ve "dared" countless numbers of people (scholars and laymen) to prove that "Jesus" is the true Mashiyha/Savior, and no one can do it. All most do is defend "opinions of tradition" without any Scriptural backing.
Research this for yourself. How can one prove a lie to be the truth? The letter "J" is less than 500 years old? In the first 4 editions (starting in 1611) of the King James Version, there was no "Jesus" in it. The first time "Jesus" is found is in the 1638 KJV. Jesus can only mean one of three things: "Out of or Son of Zeus" (Greek); "The Horse" (Hebrew); or "The Pig" (Latin). None of these means the Mashiyha/Savior of the World. "We Dare You" to prove this wrong. You won’t be able to. How do we know? We weren’t able to, no matter how hard we tried. The Savior said He came in His Father’s Name and prophesied that most won’t receive Him in His Father’s Name ((Yahuhanan sn-Jn 5:43). He said most would follow a different name, because they seek to please other people rather than the Father, YAHUAH.
Learning the Creator and Savior’s true Name is shocking for most people, but this deception has happened before. Just read the Scriptures and you’ll see how the Creator gave his people over to "pagans," because they didn’t follow His ways. Then we find a small amount of truth seekers crying out to YAHUAH to come back to them, and He reveals Himself again. The truth is being revealed again and you’re reading it right now. For those who think His Name is not important, how would you like for him to forget your name in the Book of Life (Hazun sn-Rev 20:15)? If you don't want Him to forget your name, you sure best not forget His-- He made it a Commandment and said if you don't take it seriously, you will be guilty and not go unpunished (Shamut sn-Ex 20:7). Satan’s time and deception is running out and he wants you to stay deceived.
You may have never heard it before, but you must engraft into Yishral (Israel) to partake of the Covenant(s) (see Ramaiym sn-Romans 11). You do not "replace" Yishral (Israel), you must engraft into the olive tree (Yishral sn-Israel). You may likely be of a "wild" olive tree, a foreigner to the cultivated garden of YAHUAH, Yishral (Israel). The "sign" of the everlasting Covenant is the sign of the Shabat Day (sn-Sabbath Day), which rolls around each week. Our proof is Shamut (sn- Ex) 31:13-17, quoted again at Abariym (sn- Heb) 4:4-11. Without this sign, can you be in a Covenant of any kind with YAHUAH based on what Scripture teaches? The answer is absolutely NO.
Yishayahu (sn-Isaiah) 48:10 speaks of an iron furnace, a furnace of affliction, an unfriendly environment which refines and tests us constantly. Many of us are in that furnace now, being tested as to who we will serve. "As for me and my house, we will serve YAHUAH" (Yahusha sn- Joshua 24:15). You can’t be a "coward" and have Eternal Life (Hazun sn-Rev 21:8). The Creator, YAHUAH, wants to know will we take the narrow, unpopular road and follow Him, or will we take the more popular road and follow the many who are walking on the broad road that leads to destruction. We are the servant of the one whom we obey. Look at the 12 gates into the New Yarushalam (sn-Jerusalem)- See Hazun sn-Rev. 21:12-15. Each one is named for a tribe of Yishral (sn-Israel). There's no Christian gate, no Islamic gate, no Hindu gate, or any other gate of the thousands man made "religions" in the world today. YAHUAH offers a “Welcome” to all those who join Yishral (Israel), and observe the Commandments of YAHUAH. If you want to really open yours eyes to the harsh fate that awaits those who don’t obey YAHUAH, ignore everything we've told you in this letter. If you want more proof, read Yishayahu (sn-Isaiah) read chapters 55, 56, and 57.
Also, notice that "Isaiah’s" real name is Yishayahu. Guess what that name means? Yisha means "Salvation." Yahu is short for—guess who?-- YAHUAH. So based on the Prophet that the Savior YAHUSHA quoted the most, who is Salvation? YAHUAH is Salvation. As a matter of fact, the deceivers (scribes and scholars) who translated most current English Scriptures, changed nearly all of the Prophets and Patriarchs real names. How does YAHUAH feel about people changing His Word (see Mashliy sn-Prov 30:6, Hazun sn-Rev 22:18, 19). What "new name" was the Savior talking about in Hazun sn-Rev 3:12? For the people who are saved, what NAME is written on their foreheads in Hazun sn-Rev 14:1, 22:4? The Name is YAHUAH.
Consider the possibility that you may be intoxicated on “wormwood,” but you don't know it. So, study on your own, without the excuses ringing in your ears. You will find the Truth of every matter under Heaven. It may sound odd to put it this way, but "drinking" the intoxicating "wine" (doctrines) of misguided preachers and teachers will keep you numb — as if you are drunk — and you simply need to sober-up and do some personal research in the Scriptures. The excuses are "an eye of darkness," which seeks after ways of getting around the Commandments. An "eye filled with light" is the approach which deeply seeks after YAHUAH's Commandments, looking for more to learn, so they can be obeyed. Which approach would Shatan (sn-Satan) want you to take? Remember, Satan is a believer too; but not an obeyor. And if you obey the Commandments, would that upset Yahusha ha Mashiyha (Messiah), or the men and women and their traditions of setting aside the Commandments of YAHUAH? You know the answer, and if you act in the Truth, you'll be in the iron furnace with the rest of us. Try obeying the Shabat (Sabbath), and feel the heat we feel for it. Walk like Yahusha ha Mashiyha (Messiah) did. "We Dare You."
YISHRAL (sn-Israel) and the DOGS
The only two "denominations" that will be in the world-to-come will be "YISHRAL sn-Israel" (Hazun sn-Rev. 21:12), and the "DOGS" (Hazun sn-Rev. 22:15). Yishral (sn- Israel) is the only one you need to be identified with now, unless you WANT to be in the other denomination (Dogs). When you pass through the waters of the COVENANT of immersion into the Name of YAHUAH ha Mashiyha (Messiah), you become a fully-fledged, one-fell-swoop YISHRALIYM (ISRAELITE). If you follow Yahusha ha Mashiyha, then your "sect" is the "NATSRIYM" (sn-Nazarene) (see Acts 24:5).
The 12 tribes are spread abroad into all the Gentiles (Amus sn- Amos 9:9, Ya’aqab sn- Jas. 1:1), and Yahusha ha Mashiyha (Messiah) is calling them to Himself, searching them out through his workers in the harvest. You may have been Middle Eastern, Mexican, Caucasian, Chinese, African-American, Italian, Irish, Buddhist or whatever formerly, but once you pass through that water (immersion sn-baptism into His Name), and vow to obey your Creator, YAHUAH through His Son, Yahusha ha Mashiyha (Messiah), you are a NEW creation. A Yishraliym (Israelite). The United Nations probably won't like it, and maybe neither will your parents, your pastor, or your friends. Too bad, this is simply a fact of life, and the only way to eternal life. Period. Does this make you “peculiar?” Absolutely! YISHRAL (sn- Israel) is the only bride of YAHUAH -- He'll never change His mind about it either, He's especially faithful about this. Read about it in the Scriptures. Yahusha ha Mashiyha’s "bride" or wife is called "Qahal Yishral," Assembly of Yishral (sn- Israel). That's your denomination. You engraft (Ramaiym sn-Romans 11) at your immersion into His NAME, YAHUAH, and at that moment you accept the Name of your Husband – YAHUAH- the Covenant represents your wedding vows. The Covenant is a marriage covenant with the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Outside this Covenant, and this denomination, there cannot be salvation according to the revealed Word of YAHUAH.
There will only be 2 "denominations" in the world-to-come. One of them will be permitted to enter the gates of the Kingdom of YAHUAH, and the other will have to remain outside (dogs):
YISHRAL sn- Israel (Hazun sn-Rev. 21:12) These "do His Commands" (keep the Commandments), and may eat of the Tree of Life, and enter through the gates of the New Yarushalam. Mt. 15:26 refers to Yishral (sn- Israel) as "the children," and the woman not of Yishral (sn- Israel) as a "dog" -- but she had the choice to remain a "dog" or convert and become a Yishraliym (sn- Israelite) -- as do we all. At the time she made her request, she was a "dog" because she was not obedient to the Covenant YAHUAH made exclusively with Yishral (sn- Israel), the ONLY people He has revealed His Word to (Turah, Commandments - see Tahliym sn-Psalms 147:19, 20).
DOGS (Rev. 22:15). These stay outside, never eating of the Tree of Life, nor entering into the gates of the New Yarushalam (sn- Jerusalem). Why? They do NOT "do His Commands" (keep the Commandments). They may be "religious," but may follow a made-up "way" which is about (no obedience) Messiah, but not the correct way. Shatan (sn-Satan) "believes," but won’t obey. If we can make up our own way, like believe every Sunday is the Shabat (sn-Sabbath), then what Qayin (sn- Cain) did (offering what he pleased) should have been acceptable. Question: should YAHUAH apologize to Cain? Of course not.
If someone tells you that you DON'T NEED TO OBEY the Covenant, the 10 Commandments, does that mean they are of Yishral (sn- Israel) or the DOGS? We should be able to discern them by their fruit (works) and teachings. Keeping the Commandments makes these easy to see who is bearing the fruit of obedience to YAHUAH.
One program for Salvation is given by THE CREATOR, and yet there are thousands of other programs invented by men, which contend to be correct, but are not.
That's all there is; 2 Denominations. So the choice should be easy for us. We choose to obey YAHUAH. What will you choose?
Then if you really want to "peel the onion" of lies and check out the true meaning of the many traditions we’ve adapted, check out Lew White’s book "Fossilized Customs" at www.FossilizedCustoms.com
~ THIS BOOK WILL SHAKE YOU TO YOUR FOUNDATIONS, AND YOU WILL PROBABLY WEEP BITTERLY. But you will know and learn the Truth, and the Truth is what really sets you Free!