The Creator Says, “This is My Name Forever”
Shamut (sn-Ex 3:15)
“I, I am YAHUAH, and
Besides Me There is
No Other Savior”
YishaiYahu (sn-Isa 43:11)
Welcome to the TRUTH as back up and documented by the ORIGINAL and EARLIEST SCRIPTURES AVAILABLE!
What's the untold story behind The New Testament?
As YAHUAH is restoring His Name on earth, many have found it nearly impossible to find an accurate version of the Scriptures. As we began translating, we found the main challenges came from the Bariyt Hadash (New Testament). Therefore, we decided to prioritize the Bariyt Hadash (New Testament) and speed up the translation process. Explore our groundbreaking project as we meticulously translate it from the original Hebrew and Aramaic texts. Be part of restoring the true message of the New Testament with the true word of YAHUAH. Dive into our transformative project to uncover the hidden truths and rich history. Join us on this enlightening journey today! Go to: TSINFO.org
What is the Name of the Creator?
For those looking for a deeper meaning in life, realizing that most translations of the Scriptures (Bible) are not accurate can be devastating. With any basic research it becomes easy to see that nearly every translation of the Scriptures (Bibles) today are heavily influenced by Greek, Latin, and Judaism (Pharisee/Talmud) philosophy. All of these influences are Anti-Mashiyha (Messiah). Promote The Truth offers the truth about religion, showing the path on how to find salvation through knowing the Name above all Names, which is YAHUAH. While on earth the Son (Yahusha) came to be the exact representation of YAHUAH. In fact, the Name Yahusha literally means YAHUAH Mashiyha (YAHUAH is the Savior). We have created our website and podcast based on over three decades of research into the true Name of the Creator, YAHUAH, and invite anyone who is on a truth journey, to join us like-minded individuals who are on a mission to continue to discover and fully understand the truth.
Who is God?
The term “God” is a pagan title, and by asking yourself, “What is the Name of the Creator?”, you can find the true path to salvation. Promote The Truth offers a range of resources for those seeking truth in the Scriptures (sn-Bible), such as our Truth Scripture (sn-Bible) Podcast, YouTube Channel, Telegram Channel, this website and more. Learn the real Name of the Creator, YAHUAH, and discover how His Name has been lost to history. We provide insights into the truth as stated by the earliest and original Scriptures available, so that you can have the most accurate information upon which to guide your life.
Learn How to Follow YAHUAH Here.
Subscribe to Our Scripture (Bible) Truth Podcast Today
Built on over thirty years of research into the earliest available Scriptures, Promote The Truth Podcast is a Scripture (Bible) backed Podcast that teaches about the true Name of the Creator, YAHUAH, and how to live your life based on the truth as found in the real Scriptures. Take a powerful journey to the TRUTH. Our podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Audible, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Watch The REAL NAME of the CREATOR Video Now
His Name is so important that the Scriptures tell us in Ma’ashiym (Acts) 2:21 that whoever calls on His NAME (YAHUAH) shall be saved. The Scripture attaches knowing and calling on His Name to Salvation. The Creator Himself wrote His Name with His finger on the Ten Commandments. He spells it like the characters at the top of the page (in Ancient Hebrew).
Now we’d like to make this most important point about the value of "Integrity." Most will agree that this virtue is sorely missed in today's society. Our mission is to restore "Integrity" through our message in every way to the world.
in·teg·ri·ty [in-teg-ri-tee]–noun: 1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
We are very confident that this website will have a major impact on you and those you know for the rest of your lives! The reason for this is simple. We Promote The Truth to the fullest extent that we can find accurate information. Getting accurate information on the TRUTH is extremely difficult. We've put this site together to simplify the Truth about our Creator and His way to Eternal Life.
Please understand that we do not claim to know all the answers. Our goal is to continue to provide as much "Evidence" as we can to get to the bottom of all the confusion surrounding what the Truth really is. As more truth becomes apparent, we apply that truth to our lives and provide that truth to you. As of now, we do believe we are the most Scripturally solid organization on earth.
One would think it would be very simple to find out exactly what the Creator has to say in instructing us to the way to Eternal Life. We should be able to pick up a "Bible" and get clear answers. The problem is that practically all English translations of the Scriptures are inaccurate! This can be easily proven with any serious research at all. This statement may seem shocking, but it is the Truth. We’ve found that most truth seekers find this attitude to be refreshing. No more guessing. No more playing games with peoples lives for the sake of power and money. We're going to dig together for THE TRUTH!
This attitude of digging for the Truth is one that most "churches," "scholars," "clergy," and “seminaries” will typically not like. They typically want us to just accept what they say as complete truth. This gives them control. The problem they face is that our Creator does not hide behind lies and deception. Our Creator is One who is the Truth and says that those who worship Him "must worship Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH!" We all know that there is only one Truth. The issue is we must deal with the one and only True Word of our Creator. That is why we created the “Truth Scriptures” (considered the most accurate English Translation in the world).
The problem most have is they believe the "Bible" they have in their possession today is the "true Word of God." If the version is King James, New King James, American Standard, New American Standard, NIV, Amplified, Living Bible, Today's English, Revised Standard, or any other version which changes or omits words from the Original Scriptures, then you don't know what the Truth is.
You're basing your Eternity on someone else's translation and interpretation. Not thinking for yourself can cost you everything, including eternal life.
We know these statements may be difficult for most to accept or comprehend, but it's time to let go of "traditions" and deal only with "evidence" that leads to the truth. Our Creator has promised us that if we search for Him with all our hearts, then He will be found (see Yiramiyahu sn- Jer 29:13).
This site will become an invaluable tool for you and other truth seekers to get simple to understand information that you can depend on and grow with.
For starters you'll notice at the top of this page a "foreign looking" arrangement of characters above the statement "This Is My Name Forever...." that looks like the characters pointed at in the image below.
This is the Name of the Creator of everything that exists! This style of writing is what is called Paleo-Hebrew (Ancient Hebrew). This Name is pronounced YAHUAH (Yahoo-Ah).
Most call the Creator "God and/or Lord." This is wrong and it defames His Name. You will clearly learn that our Creator and His Son (The Savior) have an actual Name that identifies who they are.
We all have names, and our Creator and Savior are no different. He wants you to know Him by His Name and thus begin to truly know His power and who He is! Knowing someone's name is the beginning of knowing who they are. The important thing that we discovered is our Creator's Name is who He says He is.
Think about this Scripture verse one moment (really stop and think):
Yishaiyahu (sn-Isa) 52:6 "Therefore My people shall know My Name...."
If you are to be part of His people, then He states you must know His Name. Again, really stop and think about this verse.
If you've ever had prayers go unanswered and knew that you should have received an answer, then more than likely you've been calling on the “wrong name” and have yet to enter into a covenant relationship with the only Creator and Savior, YAHUAH. We'll show you how to simply fix this problem. It will become common sense to you.
Much effort has went into hiding or covering over the Set-Apart Name of the One and only Creator and Savior. Much effort has also went into deliberately lying and keeping the truth away from us. Think about it, if Satan knows (which he does) that power and salvation is through the Name of the Creator, how would he go about to deceive us? The answer is simple. He'd try to hide or change the NAME! This is your chance to not be deceived.
We have discovered through the truth of who He is. We’ve done this through our love for knowing who the Creator really is. We got to this point by seeking Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. See Yiramiyahu (sn-Jer) 29:13.
We will show you in an easy to understand manner how "the entire world has been deceived" (see Hazun sn-Rev 12:9). There's no need to worry if you love the truth. We'll show you how to solve this dilemma of being deceived right away.
We suggest that you read this site in the order in which the links have been put together. We put information together in a progressive manner that will lead you to a solid understanding and put you on the right path to find the Truth out for yourself. The first link you will want to read is called "Correct Names." Without knowing the True Name of the Creator (YAHUAH), and His Son, the Savior (YAHUAH Mashiyha), then everything else just falls apart. We will also uncover all the true names of the Prophets and several of the Patriarchs. The evidence that is provided in their names alone shows who the Creator and Savior is. The Prophets names will show you why the "deceivers" changed their names in almost every "Bible."
A word of advice as you read through this site... There will be many who will find themselves becoming angered by discovering the intentional deception that has gone on, but we encourage you to not let "emotions" get the best of you. We believe that you are at this site, because the Creator of the world is now calling you to walk in the truth. If you choose to do so, then there is no doubt that you will begin to experience the true POWER that is found in no other. There is only one Creator and Savior, and that is YAHUAH. We will clearly show you who He is and give you information that will lead you to all understanding.
Just utilizing the "EVIDENCE" you'll find on this site, has allowed us to begin to experience the "Power" of the Creator, and we want that for you too. If you've ever had prayers go unanswered and wondered why, then you'll be glad you found this site.
We thank you for taking the time to "reason" out what the TRUTH is. We are here for you to help in any way possible.
Dead Sea Scrolls of Tahillum (sn- Psalms)
Here is a 2,000 year old Original Text of Tahliym (sn-Psalms) found at Qumran, Israel. This was written around 50 B.C. This is an example of the type of Scripture that the Savior, Yahusha (YAHUAH Mashiyha), read from. Careful examination of this text will show our Creator's Name appears "7 "times in this short amount of Scripture.
On this site we will use correct names, but we will also use “*sign names” (sn) as a way to help you easily identify who is being talk about.
*Sign Name (sn) = Corrupted names that have now become common.
When it comes to Eternal Life most people get caught up into the "emotion" of a prior decision they had made based upon the information they had available to them at that time (received from tradition- ie. family or church). Don’t allow yourself to get carried away in emotion. Accept and Promote The Truth.