How To Follow YAHUAH

Foundational Discipleship

The purpose of this page is to provide guidance on how to follow YAHUAH by focusing on the Core Salvational Points.

“My dear children, I write these things to you so that you do not sin after you have repented. If anyone commits an error that is not an intentional sin, they have access to a righteous Advocate, YAHUAH Mashiyha, who is with the Father. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for us, but also for the entire world. And this is how we can be sure that we know Him: If we keep His Commandments. The person who says, “I know Him,” but does not continually keep His Commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in them. However, the person who continually keeps His Commandments, then the love of Aluah has been perfected in them. So, this is how we know that we are in Him. The one who says they are in Him must live in the same way He lived.”

1 Yahuhanan (sn-John) 2:1-6

As we were told to walk as He (YAHUAH Mashiyha) walked, we believe that is important to know how He walked, and to recognize the main steps He took in life when He walked on earth. We’ve identified “4 Core Salvational Points” in the Scriptures, and here we will explain them to you.

 4 Core Salvational Points

1st Salvational Point: THE NAME

The most important and first thing to do when you find YAHUAH and the truth, is to Repent and be Immersed (sn- baptized) into His NAME… The Name of YAHUAH. We all have been deceived, but we need to be humble enough to accept that we were lied to and misled. The most important thing is that we decide to receive the truth, make a change, and live our lives based on YAHUAH’s way.

It is important to know that when you receive and call on His Name, you are also deciding to depart from all other Alahiym (sn- Gods). This means you will need to remove certain words from your vocabulary. This is especially true when it comes to the names of pagan words or pagan deities.


Shamut (sn- Ex) 23:13 “And in all that I have said to you take heed. And make no mention of the name of other mighty ones, let it not be heard from your mouth.”

Here are some key Scriptures that solidify the importance of calling on the Name of YAHUAH:

Ma’ashiym (sn-Acts) 2:21  “And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of YAHUAH shall be saved.”

Ramaiym (sn- Rom) 10:13 For “everyone who calls on the Name of YAHUAH shall be saved.”

Yuhal (sn- Joel) 2:32 “And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of YAHUAH shall be delivered.”

Ma’ashiym (sn-Acts) 2:36-41  “Therefore, let all the house of Yisharal know for certain, that Aluah has made Yahusha, whom you impaled, both Master and YAHUAH Mashiyha.” When the crowd heard this, they were cut to the heart. They shouted out to Kapa and the other emissaries, saying, “Brothers, what must we do?” Kapa replied and said to them, “Every one of you needs to repent and be immersed into the Name of YAHUAH Mashiyha, for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Set-Apart Spirit. This promise is for you and for your children, and to all of those who are far away, to as many who will accept that call from YAHUAH, our Aluah.” With many other words, Kapa testified and encouraged them, saying, “Be saved from this crooked generation.” Those who accepted Kapa’s message were immersed. About three thousand souls were saved and added to them that very day.” 

Ma’ashiym (sn-Acts) 10:43  “To this One all the prophets bear witness, that through His Name, everyone believing in Him does receive forgiveness of sins.” 

Ma’ashiym (sn-Acts) 4:12  “And there is no deliverance in anyone else, for there is no other Name under the heaven given among men by which we need to be saved.” 

*Note that YAHUsha literally means YAHUAH SAVES.

2nd Salvational Point: GUARD HIS COMMANDMENTS

Yahuah commandments

YAHUAH commanded us to guard His Commandments, and it’s important to understand how to do that. We will provide extra focus on those Commandments (first 4 Commandments) that may need extra explanation. Click Here to see the full
10 Commandments.

First Commandment (1): “I am YAHUAH your Aluah, who brought you out of the land of Matsar, out of the house of bondage. You are to worship no other alahiym besides Me.”

our Creator is Jealous when it comes to the attention of any other mighty one other than Himself. He is very clear that we do not need to have any other mighty ones. So once you accept Him, you should not mention or pray to any other deity. Here are some examples of the right words to use:

  • Instead of “God” use the only and true Name YAHUAH or use Creator or Father (when talking in general).

  • Instead of “Jesus” use the one and only true Name of the Savior which is YAHUAH Mashiyha or use Savior or Messiah (when talking in general).

  • Instead of Angels use the word Messengers

    *To see the true pagan meanings of the words “God” and “Jesus” click Here

Remember the verse in Shamut (sn- Ex) 23:13 “And in all that I have said to you take heed. And make no mention of the name of other mighty ones, let it not be heard from your mouth.

Second Commandment (2): “You do not make for yourself a carved image, or the likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is on the earth, or that is in the waters of the earth. You do not bow down to them, nor serve them. For I, YAHUAH, your Aluah am a jealous Al, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing lovingkindness to thousands of them who love Me and guard My Commandments.”

By reading all the Commandments, we can tell by the length of them which ones YAHUAH is very serious about. The Second and Fourth Commandments are very extensive. That’s why we need to make sure we clean our homes, cars, offices, language, etc of any type of idols like statues, crosses, pictures, stickers of cruxes, virgins, angels, saints, fish, or any representative of any pagan deity, because YAHUAH told us do NOT do it. He considers this as an act of hate against Him and will have the children of third and fourth generations pay for it.

1 Yahuhanan sn- Jn 5:21 says: Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Also see Dabariym (sn- Deut) 5:8, 1 Qarantiym (sn-Corinth) 10: 7, 14.

Third Commandment (3): “You do not bring the Name of YAHUAH your Aluah to nothing, for YAHUAH shall not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to nothing.”

Forgetting YAHUAH’s Name altogether and replacing His Name with other pagan names has to be considered bringing His name to naught (nothing), wouldn’t you agree? If you said “Yes” then you are exactly right. That’s what the traditions and pagan cultures from past generations has done, by hiding His Name and tricking us into using pagan names and words, which is exactly what Satan wants us to do. YAHUAH wants His children to know His Name, because there is power in His Name. He was clear about the fact that He will punished those who bring His Name to naught. So, our mission and now yours, is to spread His Name .

See Hazun (sn-Rev) 12:9 “And the great dragon was thrown out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who leads all the world astray. He was thrown to the earth, and his messengers were thrown out with him.

We can no longer allow ourselves to be deceived when we now have the truth. Be proud of His Name and spread it.

Fourth Commandment (4): “Remember the Shabat day, to keep it set-apart. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Shabat of YAHUAH your Aluah. You do not do any work on it, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor a stranger who is within your gates. For in six days, YAHUAH created the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them. Then He rested on the seventh day. Therefore, YAHUAH baruk the Shabat day, and set it apart.”

As we said above the Second and Fourth Commandments are longer and in more detail, and this one (Fourth Commandment) is also a SIGN between Our Father YAHUAH and His people. In Shamut (sn-Ex) 31:13 YAHUAH says to Mashah (sn-Moses):  “And you, speak to the children of Yisharal, saying, ‘My Shabats you are to guard, by all means, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, to know that I, YAHUAH, am setting you apart.

Also in Yihazaqal (sn- Eze) 20:12 YAHUAH says: “And I also gave them My Shabats, to be a sign between them and Me, to know that I am YAHUAH who sets them apart."

Here on our website we explain about how to follow the real Shabat (sn- Sabbath) and explain the real Calendar of YAHUAH. In order to properly keep the Shabat and Appointed Times, you must follow the correct “Calendar,” otherwise, you will have been deceived by Shatan (sn-Satan). Click Here to read about YAHUAH’s real Calendar.

Once you decide you will follow YAHUAH’s Shabats (sn- Sabbaths), here is a good guide on things you need to know before observing Shabats and how to keep Shabats from here on out:

Preparation Day (day before the Shabat)
The day before the weekly Shabat (sn- Sabbath) is called the Preparation Day. On this day you prepare yourself and your family to properly observe the Shabat. Remember, on the Shabat, we are to do no work, so Preparation Day gives us an opportunity to prepare food for the following day, do important payments, do important work, do important errands, etc. If you have family or friends visiting you, make sure you explain to them about the fact that you observe the Shabat as YAHUAH has commanded us to do. Part of the Fourth Commandment states there is no work for your stranger who is within your gates. It is also best not to leave your home (stay within your gates), so you don’t end up having to do work or causing others to do work (ex. your car breaks down, etc).

To do’s on Shabats (suggestions):
Stay Home
Warm food already prepared
Read Scripture/Study YAHUAH’s word (Read the website)
Watch Videos about YAHUAH (Great videos at
Spread His Name
Learn the 10 Commandments and evaluate if you and your family are guarding them
Teach your kids and others about YAHUAH’s ways
Watch a Movie
Play Board Games
Play Music

Not to do’s on Shabats:
No Leaving Home (gates)
No Cooking from raw
No Work
No Business/Personal type of transactions (Sale, Buy, or Payments)
No Cleaning
No Exercising
No School
No Travel
No Servant Work (No maids, grounds keepers, etc working for you)
No Employees Working

There will be times when an emergency comes up and Our Creator knows about those times (Example: “Ox in the ditch.” See Luqah (sn- Lk) 14:1-6.). However, do not do things to create “an ox in the ditch.” YAHUAH knows our hearts and everything we do. He expects obedience.

Click Here to see the full 10 Commandments.

3rd Salvational Point: KEEP FEAST DAYS (Appointed Times)


YAHUAH commanded us to celebrate His 7 Annual Feasts (sn- Holy Days). These 7 Annual Feasts, along with the monthly New Moons, are considered types of Shabats (sn- Sabbaths). YAHUAH states these Feasts are established FOREVER.

See Uiyqra (sn- Lev) 23 and Yishayahu (sn- Isa) 66:23.

If we all understand what the word forever means, then we know that we need to keep the Feast Celebrations, even in current times, in order to obey YAHUAH.

Some of the questions about the Annual Feasts occur when it comes to the “sacrificial” portions of the instructions found in Uiyqra (sn-Lev) 23. The sacrificial portions of these instructions were fulfilled by our Savior YAHUAH Mashiyha. YAHUAH Mashiyha took away the sacrifices that we were supposed to do on the Feast Days. However, the celebration, recognition, observance, and obedience to these Feasts are still alive and will remain FOREVER. Click Here to see all of the Annual Feasts explanation.

What to do on each Feast (suggestions):

Pasaha (Passover): It’s like the weekly Shabat (sn-Sabbath), but you can cook. So, prepare a special dinner with your family and get together with other followers of YAHUAH, eat unleavened bread (Idea: Yehuda Matzos crackers can be found on Amazon… these are unleavened), grape wine or juice. For the dinner, preferably prepare some good lamb if you eat meat. Celebrate YAHUAH Mashiyha’s sacrifice! This is one of two Feasts that is celebrated different than the other Feasts and Shabats. This Feast starts at evening (late afternoon 3pm-4pm) of the day before (14th day) Matsah and goes to the next dusk (no light) on Matsah (15th day). So, this particular Shabat Feast is observed evening to dusk.

Matsah (The Feast of Unleavened Bread): This Feast starts on a Shabat (sn-Sabbath) and ends in the next seven days. The first day and last day are no work days (but you can cook on these days, because they are Festival Shabats), but the middle days are work days. YAHUAH asks that we bring an offering made by fire each day, including the 7th Day Shabat, so do your best to cook with fire (bbq, etc). Seven days of unleavened bread (no eating anything with yeast). Maybe do some gatherings with other followers of YAHUAH, and celebrate that our sins (yeast) were washed away!

Bakuriym (The Feast of First Fruits): Remembering that YAHUAH Mashiyha became the first to resurrect from the dead, and that we have the hope of resurrecting with Him when He returns. This is an allowable work day, but you should celebrate the coming transformation for some of us (here when he returns), and the coming resurrection of others who passed away in YAHUAH!

Shabua’aut (The Feast of Weeks): It’s like a weekly Shabat (sn-Sabbath), but you can cook. Prepare a special dinner with your family and get together with other followers of YAHUAH. Celebrate that YAHUAH poured out the Set-Apart Spirit on us (YAHUAH Ruah)!


Yum Taruah (The Feast of Trumpets): Remembering YAHUAH Mashiyha’s promise that He will return for us with the shout of the Shupar (sn-trumpet) to be with Him and the Father YAHUAH. There are 10 days in between The Feast of Trumpets and The Day of Atonement. This gives us an opportunity to examine ourselves based on YAHUAH’s 10 Commandments.

We can focus on one Commandment each day for 10 days to measure and examine ourselves by. You can start from the 10th Commandment on the day of Yum Taruah (Feast of Trumpets) and work your way down to the First Commandment, one Commandment each day. With this progression you will be end up with the First Commandment on Yum Kapar (The Day of Atonement), where you are reminded that YAHUAH is your One and Only Aluah. Also, on Yum Taruah (Feast of Trumpets) we are to have a set-apart convocation (gathering) for the followers who worship YAHUAH to come together. Celebrate that YAHUAH Mashiyha is going to return!

Yum Kapar (The Day of Atonement): This beautiful Feast gives us the opportunity to clean ourselves from sin and repent from anything wrong we have done in the past year after we analyzed ourselves during the past 10 days from the Yum Taruah (Feast of Trumpets) to Yum Kapar (Day of Atonement). Yum Kapar (Day of Atonement) is to ask and receive forgiveness from YAHUAH for any shortcomings of sin we’ve had the past year. This is the other Feast that is celebrated different than the other Feasts and Shabats. This Feast starts at the dusk (no light) of the night before (9th Day) the Day of Atonement and goes to the next dusk (no light) on the Day of Atonement (10th Day). So, this particular Shabat Feast is observed dusk to dusk. This gives us a really focused opportunity to remember YAHUAH’s love for us in that He sacrificed His one and only Son as an ATONEMENT for OUR SINS. This is the greatest sacrifice of all time. Celebrate YAHUAH’s Gift of Atonement!

*It is probably best to detach yourself from Television, Social Media, etc during this 24 hours. YAHUAH’s tells us to “afflict” our being during this time. Many have mistakenly taken this for “fasting” during this time. However, this word in Scripture “afflict” comes from the Hebrew word “Anah” (Strong’s H6031). The Hebrew word “Anah” comes up 84 times in Scripture and every time means “humble your soul” (not fast). So, take DEEP, and SOULFUL reflection of your soul during the 24 hour observance of “The Day of Atonement.”

*See Uiyqra (sn- Lev) 16:30-31 30 “For on that day he makes atonement for you, to cleanse you, to be clean from all your sins before YAHUAH. 31 “It is a Shabat of rest for you, and you shall afflict your beings – a law forever.”


Yum Sakut (Feast of Tabernacles): Remembering that YAHUAH lived in “tabernacles” (tents) with the people of Yisharal (sn- Israel) for 40 years. He promised to come back to dwell and live with us again. This is a 7 day Feast where we get out of our homes for 7 days and stay in “portable homes” (Tents, RVs, etc), so that we can have a feeling of what the people of Yisharal felt while YAHUAH lived among them for 40 years.

This Feast starts on a weekly Shabat (sn-Sabbath) and goes for 7 days. Make sure you are at your camping place (or the like) the day before Shabat if you are going to a place. The first day is a Shabat (7th Day Shabat) no work day, but the rest of the celebration days you can work. On the eighth day it is a final Shabat (7th Day Shabat) that closes out the Feast of Yum Sakut. YAHUAH asks that we bring an offering made by fire each day, including the 7th Day Shabat, so do your best to cook with fire (bbq, etc). Use this week to have fun. It is a gathering with other followers of YAHUAH where you can do excursions, hike, fishing, swimming, play with kids, play instruments at night, have a camp fire, and do sing-a-longs… and don’t forget the vegan marshmallows (non-pork based gelatin). And speaking of kids, this the perfect week to engage kids in the Feasts of YAHUAH to help them separate themselves from pagan holidays. You can give gifts between each other and make a special dinner every day, or you can have a party every day for 7 days. Many of us give our children a gift each day of the Feast. Which kid would not love that? They will be waiting every year for this Feast. Remember, this is a CELEBRATION!

This Feast also prepares our minds for YAHUAH’s return where He will dwell among us and live with us forever. Celebrate that we get to live with YAHUAH Forever!

New Moon Days: This is a type of Shabat. No working (job or business you own). No buying or selling. Make sure you do not do any financial transactions. (For example, putting gas in your car, buying food, internet purchases, etc). You can cook and go out and about in nature. Also, this is a great day for family time. Approximately every 30 days a new month starts, and it is the New Moon Day that represents the beginning of that new month. We will be celebrating New Moon Day forever (See Yishaiyahu sn-Isa 66:23). Learn YAHUAH’S Real Calendar here.


After you’ve now seen and read about all the Feasts and Shabats of YAHUAH, it is notably blatant to see that Satan has attempted to replace the Feast Days of YAHUAH, which are Set-Apart Days (sn - holy days), with pagan “holidays” such as Easter, Christmas, Halloween, Birthdays, and more. All of these pagan days are designed to take attention and worship away from YAHUAH and His Appointed Times (see Barashiyt sn-Gen 1:14).

We must resist the ways of Satan and this world, and turn away from such practices, which are considered “idolatry” to YAHUAH.

Ya’aqab (sn- James) 4:7  So then, subject yourselves to Aluah. Resist the devil and he shall flee from you.

Learn more about YAHUAH’s Feast Days and Pagan Traditions here.

4th Salvational Point: DIETARY LAWS


Our Father YAHUAH has showed us a way to know how to live and one of those ways is how we are to eat. In His creation, YAHUAH is very detailed on the purpose of each thing He created, and especially for what each animal was for. Uiyqra (sn- Lev) 11 gives us a clear breakdown of what animals are available to us for food.

We know this is a serious issue, and one that involves salvation, because YAHUAH gives us a strong warning in Yishaiyahu (sn- Isa) 66:16-17 that He will destroy every person eating animals such as pigs, mice, etc.

Here are some basics of what meat to eat and not to eat:

To Eat:
Fish (with Scales and Fins)
Poultry (Chicken, Turkey, Duck, Quail, Pheasant, Dove)
Venison (Deer, Elk, Antelope)

Not To Eat:
Shellfish (Crab, Lobster, Scallops, Clams, Oysters, Shrimp, Octopus)
Fish without Scales and Fins (ie. Catfish, Swordfish, Shark, Eel)
Predators (Lion, Vultures, Bear, Crows, Hawks, Eagles)

Make sure you read the ingredients from every food or medicine you purchase. A lot of times there are things such as lard (pig), pork gelatin capsules, shellfish, or other kinds of those type of ingredients that we are not supposed to eat.

And of course, we can eat as many non-lethal Fruits and Vegetables as we want!


“For I am YAHUAH your Aluah, and you shall set yourselves apart. And you shall be set-apart, for I am set-apart.” Uiyqra (sn- Lev) 11:44

YAHUAH concludes Uiyqra 11 by saying this about what meat we an eat (clean and unclean)…

Uiyqra 11:46-47:

46  ‘This is the Turah of the animals and the birds and every living being – everything that swims in the waters, and of every creature that moves on the earth, 47  to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the living creature that is eaten and the living creature that is not eaten.’ ”

We hope these 4 Salvational Points that we’ve covered have helped you in your walk with YAHUAH. The above are some of the key insights that we’ve discovered that we believe can help many. Those that love YAHUAH will have the desire to please Him. We encourage you to guard the ways of YAHUAH with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. He will guide you on your way.

Praise YAHUAH!